Recycling communications for digital citizens
Reduce contamination, increase recycling rates and lower call volumes by educating and engaging your residents with local government's most trusted digital recycling communications tools and apps.
Reduce contamination and wishcycling
Show residents what goes in what bin at the moment they are recycling, on smartphone or tablet, to help them recycle correctly and reduce costly contamination.
Educate with interactive tools
Teach people how to recycle materials properly with interactive educational tools that provide a fun and accessible way to learn about how best to recycle in your area.
Lower call volumes and costs
Cut the cost of answering inbound calls by providing citizens with easy to use apps and web tools to search for collection dates and see how to dispose of items properly.
Cut missed bins with notifications
Provide automated notifications to residents to remind them when to put their bin out and reduce the number of missed bin complaints that your council receives.

Easy to use, easy to manage
One suite of integrated tools and apps for your citizens
Waste Wizard
Our digital recycling search tool gives residents property-specific information on thousands of items at the touch of a button.
Collection Calendar
Our digital collection calendar lets citizens view upcoming collections, get automated reminders, and receive service alerts.
Waste Sorting Game
Our interactive game provides an educational and engaging way to test and educate your residents on recycling.
Mobile App
Make everything available to citizens on their phones and tablets using our fully-integrated, council-branded mobile app.

Buy vs Build: The Pros and Cons for Local Authorities Building Recycling Engagement Software In-House
For waste and recycling managers today, the question is not whether you’ll need digital solutions to help communicate with residents, it’s how you’ll source, implement and maintain the online tools and apps that citizens require.

Request a call back
Seen enough and want to speak to someone about how these tools might help at your local authority? Leave your name and work email address here and we’ll be in touch.